The latest progress report on the bridge works (Works Progress 7: 16th April 2014 on this page) says…
We’ll then move off the road and work on the ‘Hayling Billly 50’ Trail rebuilding, completing everything by mid June.
That’s a reference to Lottery-funded project initiated by Peter Drury as part of the Hayling Billy 50 years commemoration.
It looks like something is definitely going to happen. We understand that the project will:
- Use the same surface as recently laid at the south end of the Billy Trail
- Resurface a limited section of the trail (and not, as hoped, as far as the Esso Garage)
We are concerned over the quality of recent cycle path development by both Havant and Hampshire so – at Peter’s request – I have documented our concerns with an offer to help. Peter has passed them to the project board.
I quite agree. Much needed improvement, but the new surface at the south end of the Billy Trail is like cycling through treacle.
It would be horrendous if this is used at the northern end on Hayling.
The surface on the Langstone side is far better.