Update from Cycle Hayling

In this update…

  • Footpath 88 extension project cancelled
  • Billy Trail Phase 4 development
  • Billy Trail south end development
  • Issues with new cycle paths
  • Bike security session

Footpath 88 extension project cancelled

We’re sorry to have to report that the project to extend footpath 88 into the Mill Rythe campus has been cancelled. The project was funded and included in the Hampshire Minor Works team’s schedule for this year, but:

  • Further work on the project resulted in a major escalation in costs
  • The lessee of the land to be used by the new path objected to the proposed route

Dave Mowatt – our schools liaison – worked hard with all concerned to try to resolve the issues but they proved insurmountable in the time available. The funds have now been diverted to enhance the Mill Rythe roundabout.

We’ll be seeing what we can do to reinstate this development.

Billy Trail Phase 4 development

Work continues on connecting the Hayling Island section of the Billy Trail to the Langstone section. The new section of path is now due to open on 17th April.

You can read more about the project – including the latest developments – here.

Billy Trail south end development

Since we reported on the work done at the south end of the trail by Havant council, the surface has deteriorated. Originally the aggregate was compressed with a roller to create a surface. As we feared, however, the surface has loosened over time so riding over it is similar to riding over sand.

Arguably, the surface is still better than it was, but we’d like to know your opinion. Drop us a note by replying to this mail, or add a comment via the web site.

Issues with new cycle paths

We also had our reservations about the surface of the new trails created by Hampshire council: footpath 88 and the seafront accessibility path. Some sections were marred by loose stones that made cycling difficult. Since then, the paths have degraded with loose stones now covering most of each path.

We plan to discuss the situation with Hampshire to see what can be done.

Bike security session

On 23rd and 24th January we helped the Hayling Police Safer Neighbourhood Team to run a security event at Hayling College.

We helped with event planning and ran ‘Dr Bike’ sessions on each day.

We were surprised to learn that Hayling Island has the worst record for bike thefts in the area, second only to Leigh Park! It seems that thieves are targeting unsecured bikes. You can read more about bike security – included how to get your bike postcoded by the Police – here.


Andy Henderson
Chair, Cycle Hayling