The planning application for a Recycle Centre and depot storage facility at the Howard Car Spares site in Mill Rythe Lane has been resubmitted by Brenchley. The reference number is App/14/00204 on both the HCC and HBC websites.
The consulation closing date was 18 March, but this has now been extended to 23 April, so there is still time to make your comments.
2 Replies to “Concrete Recycling Plant Application .”
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Here’s a great idea. Let’s increase the traffic on an Island’s already choked single access and exit road by granting permission for a site which depends on constant transportation. Even better if the transportation is done by giant lorries. Even, even better, let’s allow all this to happen in the most geographically inane spot- i.e. right away from the mainland where the produce will be needed. Sounds perfect to me. Where’s that rubber stamp?
According to Councillor Leah Turner on the Hayling Forum, Brenchley has withdrawn its application. It seems the company did not expect the extent of public opposition to the proposal.