The updated Hayling Cycle map published by Havant at reveals a number of developments planned to complete by Spring 2014:
- Completion of the links between the Langstone section of the Billy Trail and the Hayling section making it possible to use off-road cycle paths to travel between West Town and Havant – with just a few road crossings.
- Signposting of a cycle route to the west of Beachlands taking people onto Ferry Road to the East of the Golf Club.
We understand that there might be other developments taking place at the same time and that some work could be completed well before next Spring.
You can find the full list of Havant’s published cycle maps here.
Excellent cycle map shown in the link to this article.
Reference the Hayling Billy Trail:-
We are working with HCC and HCB to improve the surface of the trail from the bridge car park to the point where it joins the old railway alignment. This section requires considerable work as it gets very muddy and is poorly surfaced as compared with the railway alignment. The planned work is to improve the access to the trail at the bridge car park, improve drainage and re-surface the trail.
The above is subject to funding being available. We have applied to Veola for funds to cover the path work described above and HCC have match funding available. We should learn of the outcome from Veola in October.
There are other improvements planned along the HB Trail.