Havant held their annual Havant Goes Greener Fair last Saturday, 14 Sept.
In spite of the poor weather and comparative low number of visitors to the fair, the Cycle Hayling/ CTC Portsmouth stall was a great success in attracting many adults and youngsters to the Turbo Cycle Challenge. This was a competition where 2 bikes, one normal adult size bike and the other a child’s bike are mounted on turbo trainers. Riders have 1 minute from a standing start to see how far they can pedal, with the result put on Leader Boards in each group. The main difference from last year’s stall was the addition of a child’s bike to provide for the significant numbers of youngsters who, even with the saddle fully down, couldn’t reach the pedals of the adult bike. This setup was first tried at the 3 Churches Fete stall held in Hayling Park on the 14 August where children inundated the competition queuing for a chance to have a go. This scene was repeated in Havant with the number of riders easily exceeded those from previous years with around 88 recording a ‘distance pedalled’ on the Leader Boards. Of these the majority, 56 compared to 32, where youngsters confirming the value of having the extra small frame bike. As at previous fairs the competitive element attracts many to have a go, only now with 2 bikes, both having the same competitive basis there were often ‘head to head’ competitive riding, typically brothers & sisters, mums or dads and their children.
Another interesting aspect was that in the youngster category the number of girl competitors exceeded the boys by nearly 2 to 1, and the prize for the most competitive spirit and fitness must go to the girls who easily beat the boys in distance travelled. The best distance travelled for the girls was 625 metres, with 6 other achieving up to or over 600 metres, whereas only 4 boys beat the 600 metre mark, the top being 607 metres. Is there a future Victoria Pendleton or Chris Froome in the making? It should be noted that the adults didn’t do too badly with a men’s top distance of 929 metres and a woman’s top distance of 730 metres. Well done to all those taking part – hope to see you again next year!