We’ve received this from Steve Mountain, the project manager…
The Trail will be closed south of the Oysterbeds / Esso car park for up to 3 weeks to allow repairs to be undertaken to a section of the Trail damaged by storms in 2014.
P T Contractors from Southampton have been appointed to carry out the works which will see 110m of timber revetment built to protect eroding clay banks alongside the popular Trail. After the works are complete, temporary fencing which has been erected to prevent users for getting too close to the sheer drop into the Harbour can be removed. The works are funded by Hampshire County Council.
The closure is to allow heavy lorries and other plant to access the working site safely. Whilst recognising the temporary inconvenience the closure will cause, the public are asked to be patient and to respect the closure which is after all for their protection.
We understand from various sources that the work is due to start on Monday, 16 November.
Always good to hear of improvements and repairs to the Billy Trail,
however, HCC have still not posted enough warnings at the North
end of the Island that Hayling Ferry is closed.
That may also apply to sign posts in Eastney and district.
We raised this once again with HCC in a meeting this week. We’re also going to raise it with Sustrans. I’ll let you know if there’s any progress.
We don’t just want a bit of patching up – we want the trail to be surfaced properly!
Can we be updated please on the progress of the billy cycle track, missing our safe ride already
There’s still a lot of work to do. The path remains closed and the surface has been chewed up by the heavy machinery so – even if you could get by – it’s a lumpier ride than usual.
My guess is that they’ll need the full three weeks – perhaps more.