Letters in The Hayling Islander

The November edition of the Hayling Islander newspaper contained several letters that might interest our cycle community, and which some supporters may not have read.

One letter-writer singled out for criticism the behaviour of Hayling cyclists (in particular the “lycra clad fraternity” – so that excludes any of us ladies!). The criticism centred on cyclists riding two-abreast and not using approved cycle paths.

Four letters, however, concerned the new 30 mph speed limit on Havant Road, including a letter from John Perry, UKIP Hayling East Councillor. Apart from disapproving of the reduction in speed limit from 40 mph to 30 mph, there were also complaints about lack of prior notification and signage from Hampshire County Council.

I’m sure many of us who support Cycle Hayling would disagree with at least some of these opinions. Instead of an “official”  response from Cycle Hayling, however, it might be more effective if individuals who felt strongly on these issues were to write their own letter to the Hayling Islander.  

The contact details if you wish to do so are:

email: sarah.foster@jpress.co.uk

by post to: The Editor, Hayling Islander, 78 Elm Grove, Hayling Island, PO11 9EE


3 Replies to “Letters in The Hayling Islander”

  1. The cycling community has to be a long-suffering lot. Incredibly, they are often seen as ‘selfish’ by some members of the general public!

  2. I agree that some arrogant cyclists, always in Lycra, nearly always men, do hold up all the traffic on the main road through Hayling. I am a motorist as well as a cyclist and I have noticed that the 30 miles an hour speed limit is largely ignored. This is because we have always driven at 40 mph and there are no police out and about to enforce the new limits! (Glad to say)

    1. Personally I think we all like to find someone to blame for the problems of travelling on and off Hayling. It’s easy to target cyclists (especially when they are so conspicuously clad!) as the cause of congestion, but then if the cars kept off the main road there’d be no congestion either!

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