Sorry, we managed to confuse our web site. If you came here to download the Billy Trail Treasure Hunt, or to get model answers, please use this link to go to the page you wanted. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
We launched the treasure hunt over the week-end of 6/7 July to support the other Hayling Billy 50 commemoration events taking place on the same day.
We handed out treasure hunts at the south end of the Billy Trail and in East street in Havant.

We were particularly struck by the sheer numbers of cyclists using the trail and the distance some had travelled just to use it. In one two-hour period we counted 180 cyclists.
Our treasure hunt is targeted at families in particular, so it was good to see so many using the trail.
The closing date for prize-giving has now passed, but you can still download and use the treasure hunt any time you like. The download page also lists model answers so you can see how well you’ve done.
We hope you enjoy it.