I’ve just received the following from the Havant Travel Team:
Thank you for your submission regarding the proposed speed limit reduction along Copse Lane and St Peters Road, Hayling Island from 40mph to 30mph.
Following a review of all consultation comments and with agreement from your district and county councillors I can confirm that the speed limit reduction will proceed as originally advertised.
Our contractor has been instructed to complete the associated lining and signing works in the week commencing 5th December with a view to having the scheme implemented as of 9th December. Due to the time of year, the lining works will be weather dependant so it may be the case that these estimated dates slip slightly but I would hope that the 30mph speed limit will be in force by the end of the calendar year.
Thank you for taking the time to submit comments on the proposals.
It’s one thing putting up speed limit signs, it’s entirely different getting motorists to obey to them. Whilst they’re down there installing the signs will they have asphalt on board to repair some of the pot-holes?..
Seems sensible
…about time! …and how Daw Lane is still 40mph is beyond me…!!