This is the article we submitted for the November edition of the Hayling Herald. The published article was subject to editing by the Herald.
The future of cycling on Hayling
Next year will decide whether Hayling really does have a future as the cycling paradise we all hope our flat island should be.
Please come to our Cycle Hayling open meeting on “The future of cycling on Hayling” on Thursday 7th November!
We’re very fortunate to have as our guest speaker, Stuart Wood, from Havant Borough Council.
- Can we make smooth, weather-proofed surfaces the standard across all Hayling cycle paths?
- Can we protect the Billy Trail from the sea, and get a decent cycling surface along it?
- How do we progress Haylink, our badly needed traffic-free, all-weather cycle route to link Mengham centre to the bridge?
- How do we encourage more cycling – to school, to work, for healthy exercise, and for fun?
- And how will Hayling feature in Havant’s LCWIP (Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan)?
- It will be a friendly, fun, meeting of like-minded people. Please come and support us, for the future of cycling on Hayling.
Thursday 7th November, at 7:30 in the Community Centre Bowls room.
Thank you to everyone that contributed to our cycle commuting survey.
It turns out that Cycle Hayling has many very experienced cycle commuters, and we’ve distilled their pearls of wisdom into a brilliant (and funny) ‘getting started’ guide.
It starts with the benefits of cycle commuting – ‘Health, Wealth and Happiness’. We run a ‘Turbo Challenge’ competition at local fetes, and it’s almost always won by a cycle commuter, because they’re so fit. But they also save a fortune over driving a car, and cut traffic and pollution at the same time.
But it also covers a whole host of practical issues, such as choosing a bike, cutting costs with the ‘Cycle to Work’ scheme, choosing a route, what to wear, dealing with the weather, carrying stuff, how to freshen up for work, and more.
And it’s also worth a read by anyone who rides for shopping, appointments, social events and everyday travel. And if you have any comments or more ideas, tell us!
Do take a look – it’s on our website, at
And lots more workplaces are coming within commuting range of Hayling, as cycle routes improve and as E-bikes get better and cheaper.
And that’s particularly relevant because the cycle links to Farlington and Waterlooville will be dramatically improved if (when) Havant wins its funding bid from the government’s £100 million ‘Transforming Cities Fund’.
It’s a combined bid with 5 other local authorities, backed by Hampshire County Council, so has huge momentum behind it.
While it’s disappointing that yet again, there’s nothing for Hayling, it does encourage us that there will be funding in future for schemes like the Billy Trail and Haylink.
If you joined in Bike to School week at the end of September, I hope you enjoyed it. The next big event is the Sustrans Big Pedal, in April and May 2020 (
But don’t wait ‘til then. It’s never too late to encourage your kids to walk, cycle or scoot to school.
Lots of help and advice via our website, at And we’re always looking for more photos and your experiences.
See you on Thursday 7th November at the Community Centre!
More at If you have any comments or ideas, please tell us!