Here’s our Hayling Herald December 2021 column, for those that didn’t get to see it.
Climate crisis
80% of people in Britain now think the climate crisis is a global emergency. And as sea levels rise, Hayling is first in line to get flooded, so we’ve got more reason than most to stop it.
Transport accounts for over a third of CO2 emissions in Hampshire. Havant’s new Local Plan was set to give Hayling up to 25% more homes, including windfalls, and although it’s been rejected by the planning inspector, we’re still going to get more houses, more traffic, and more emissions.
So it was shocking that at last month’s COP26 climate conference, organised by the UK government, Transport Day was literally sold to the electric car makers.
No mention of trains, buses, bikes or walking was allowed. The head of Brompton wanted to speak, but wasn’t even allowed an entry ticket. Take a look at Electric cars alone won’t solve climate change. Climate change is running faster than we are.
But cycling and walking are the ultimate zero emission vehicles. The side sessions showed how we can decarbonise transport, and take back control of our streets for people, for children, for the disabled.
Worth watching our brilliant short extract just to see Chris Boardman explain how to make cycling easier, on the Cycle Hayling website at
Hampshire’s cycling plans
And a huge part of decarbonising transport is to make walking and cycling our easiest option, not for every journey, but for short journeys.
The consultation has closed now on Hampshire’s plans for the next 10 years for cycling. Cycle Hayling said they were a great start, but a long way short of what Hayling needs, and 89 of you fought through their complex system and managed to support us (and a massive thank you to all of you!).
You can see our response at
It will be a while before Hampshire reads and processes all the responses, but in the meantime we’ll be lobbying our councillors and council officers to translate the plans into real cycling improvements. Please tell them too.
Christmas is coming! And presents don’t come much better than a new bike. A new bike doesn’t need to be expensive for everyday cycling on a flat island, and will get you there just as fast, with less worry about it being stolen. And it could pay for itself in no time if it saves a few car or bus journeys.
If you’re worried about kids growing out of bikes, folding bikes are one-size fits all. I’ve had kids of 7 ride my Decathlon folder just by lowering the saddle, and they’re amazing value, from £250 up.
But for brilliant folding, and long term reliability, Bromptons are a great investment.
And bike accessories make great stocking fillers. Our local Hayling Cycles (no relation to Cycle Hayling!) has those brilliant little Cycle Safari lights for £8.50, or a can of TF2 chain lubricant for £3.50. Or perhaps a voucher for a service in the spring, or a helmet?
We have plenty more ideas on our Cycle Hayling website at
The Cycle Hayling committee wish you a happy, healthy, cycling Christmas!