There you are whiling away the hours watching some awful programme on the TV or playing some pointless computer game when you realise you need some fresh air and exercise. Well there are not many better ways than going for a leisure bike ride!
CTC Portsmouth have organised cycle rides every Saturday and Wednesday (and short Thursday rides in the summer evenings).
Come and join us on one of our rides which start at 09.15 (7pm for Thursdays) from The Spring Centre, East St, Havant PO9 1BS.
We normally ride for about 10 to 15 miles to a tea/coffee stop arriving around 10.45. Lunch stops are near cafes or pubs. Some riders, particularly in summer, take a picnic lunch. You don’t have to ride all day as there are always riders who return from the coffee stop and who will accompany newcomers.
You do not have to be a CTC member. We always welcome newcomers to our rides and are happy to have non-CTC members accompany us for a couple of trips before joining. We aim to have rides for all levels of capability. To find out more details about these rides or information on such things as the short Wednesday rides or the faster paced Sunday rides go to: or contact the club secretary on 01243 771693

The Wednesday ride of 16 Jan was fairly typical of a winter ride going around 10 miles from the meeting place at Havant to the café at Keydell Nursery in Horndean. Some riders (knowing the café stop in advance make there own way there so probably cycle somewhat less). Here we are (around 12 riders) at the café.
After coffee/tea we set off for the lunch stop, although about 4 riders headed home, this still left 8 riders to explore the country lanes north of Rowland Castle.
Here are some of the riders cycling past Blendworth Church.

Riding along the country lanes is very pleasant and to give a general impression of how this club ride progressed and to show that there is absolutely no comparison to ‘scaremongering’ and much criticised cycling TV programmes typical of the recent BBC War on Britian’s Roads watch this short (2 ¾ minute) YouTube video of our cycle ride over the rest of the day:
Brilliant film Robert. So relaxing! And I love the fade-ins and choice of music. I’m also impressed that you managed to find some sunshine to film in.