
What’s a Cycle Bus??? A Cyclebus lets primary school children cycle to school safely, healthily, and sociably, in a bus-like formation, to protect them from traffic. It’s about community involvement – it’s organised by parents, grandparents, teachers, and volunteers.

See this a great video of how they started in Belfast!

But we’ve now got one of the first ones in England just a few miles away, organised by parents at Twyford.

Cyclists emerge from Church Lane, Twyford, as part of the Cycle Bus

Help cut pollution and traffic congestion around schools, and create a safe and healthy environment. Help empower children to become responsible and active and give them freedom, self-reliance and a lifelong love of cycling.

Bike Worcester even has this map of local CycleBuses! (And there are a lot, and many of them only ride one day a week). Watch their YouTube talk about it on Active Travel Cafe.

Find out how Cycle Buses work, and how to organise one!

And if you’re really adventurous, this is how the Dutch do Cycle Buses!

Come on parents and grandparents – why not on Hayling?!!!!