Thank you for supporting Cycle Hayling in our efforts to make Hayling more cycle-friendly. When you read on, you’ll realise we will need your support more than ever.
1) This Friday evening, don’t forget to join our leisurely ride to preview the Council’s planned cycling improvements, chat about future ones, and celebrate cycling on Hayling.
More details on our website here.
2) Wednesday 8th August, our Turbo Challenge at 3 Churches Fete, from 12.00 to 16.15, in Hayling Park, West Town, Hayling Island.
Cycle Hayling and Portsmouth CTC will, as in past years, have our 2 Turbo Challenge bikes to see who can ride the furthest in 1 minute. This has been very well attended with many riders competing at previous events and is one of the ways we promote Cycle Hayling, our local Cycling UK club (Portsmouth CTC) and generally encourage cycling.
Come along and join the fun, and even better help to set up and manage the stall.
If you can help out in any way please email me at
More details here.
3) Cycle Hayling is feeling re-invigorated, and we’re delighted to welcome two keen new committee members, Heather Mulgrew-Tonge and David Giffard, and a new chair, Joy Forrow. They will work alongside our existing committee, Sue Underwood, Robert Sebley, Dave Mowatt, Andy Henderson and Wilf Forrow.
4) Friday’s ride will visit the sites of some improvements which are the culmination of years of hard work by Cycle Hayling, Havant and Hampshire Councils, our councillors and others. So we’re somewhat frustrated that they’re not big as hoped, and that they’ve been delayed yet again – from starting in spring, then summer, and now autumn, partly waiting for landowner permissions.
They’ve been ‘within months’ for a very long time now. We need the council to finish these so we can move on – there’s so much more to do. We badly need more cycle paths and quiet routes all over the island, where children and adults can be protected from traffic, and gain confidence. We need to complete the East/West path to the Billy Trail, including at least the path from Denhill Close, which we recently won funding for, a cycle path along Rails Lane, and another to the Ferry.
5) But most of all, we need a good direct route from Mengham to the bridge.
One which is direct, safe, clean, all-weather and pleasant to ride, targeted at commuters, school-children, shoppers, as well as for exercise and leisure. With e-bikes getting cheaper and better, and doubling most people’s range, Havant is within range of many, and could replace many car journeys. So the main road on Hayling and Havant would have less cars, less bikes, and less air pollution – a win-win for everybody.
What we have today is completely unacceptable, especially for children or the less confident. The Billy Trail is out of the way for most people, and its surface is rough and hopeless in wet weather. The only alternative is a narrow, over-crowded and dangerous main road. Even the Northney route is a long detour, and too daunting for many.
This is an ambitious project – we know, because we’ve been trying for years, and it might take many more – but it’s worth it because it would transform our island.
So we’re applying to the council’s CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) fund to fund a professional feasibility study for a proper non-traffic cycle path. And we’ll be asking you to lobby your councillors when they have to decide, probably around November.
So come along on Friday and tell us what you think is most important!